Module 1Mindfulness Training Course
Mindfulness Training & Meditation - 52 Video Lessons
Video 1What is Meditation 
Video 2Meditation and Mindfulness are Interconnected  - Preview 
Video 3Mindfulness is an Investigation 
Video 4Improve the Ability to Focus Attention at Will 
Video 5Encourage Better Sleep Quality 
Video 6Encourage Better Decision Making 
Video 7Proactively Contribute to Relaxation and Recovery 
Video 8Encourage Well-Being and Improve Performance 
Video 9The First Ingredient to any Meditation 
Video 10The Second Ingredient to any Meditation 
Video 11The Third Ingredient to any Meditation 
Video 12Optimal Length and Frequency of Formal and Informal Practice 
Video 13When to Practice Formal Seated Meditation 
Video 14Where to Practice Formal Seated Meditation 
Video 15Posture During Formal Seated Meditation 
Video 16What is the Balancing Breath Technique 
Video 17Formal Seated Guided Meditation - Balancing the Breath Short Version 
Video 18Formal Seated Guided Meditation - Balancing the Breath Long Version 
Video 19What are the Fundamentals of Letting it Flow 
Video 20The First Fundamental of Letting it Flow 
Video 21The Second Fundamental of Letting it Flow 
Video 22The Third Fundamental of Letting it Flow 
Video 23The Fourth Fundamental of Letting it Flow 
Video 24The Fifth Fundamental of Letting it Flow 
Video 25Formal Seated Guided Meditation - Body Scan and Relaxation 
Video 26Informal Mindfulness Practice - Awareness of the Body 
Video 27Formal Seated Guided Meditation - Bearing Witness to Sensations 
Video 28Informal Mindfulness Practice - Awareness of Sensations 
Video 29What is Flow State 
Video 30The First Factor of Flow State 
Video 31The Second Factor of Flow State 
Video 32The Third Factor of Flow State 
Video 33The Fourth Factor of Flow State 
Video 34The Fifth Factor of Flow State - AIM Mindfulness and Let if Flow 
Video 35The Significance of Breath Awareness 
Video 36Formal Guided Meditation - Breath Awareness Movement 
Video 37Formal Guided Meditation - Breath Awareness Sound 
Video 38Formal Guided Meditation - Breath Awareness Sensations 
Video 39Informal Mindfulness Practice - Awareness of Sensations 
Video 40Why we Have Certain Experiences During Meditation 
Video 41Experiences During Meditation - Movements of the Mind 
Video 42Experiences During Meditation - Movements of Emotion 
Video 43Experiences During Meditation - Movements of the Physical Body 
Video 44Formal Guided Meditation - Sound as Vibration 
Video 45Informal Mindfulness Practice - Awareness of Sound 
Video 46Capping the Eyes - Meditate with your Eyes Open 
Video 47Informal Mindfulness Practice - Awareness of Sight 
Video 48Guided Seated or Walking Meditation - 5 for 5 
Video 49Guided Seated or Walking Meditation - The Great 8 
Video 50Guided Walking Meditation 
Video 51Informal Mindfulness Practice - Awareness of Thinking 
Video 52Let Go of Negative Self-Talk 
Video 53Flow Find Core Conclusion